Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Last night I dreamed that I had died. And in my mind’s eye I saw the butterfly effect of those things unsaid and undone. Who knows what effect it may have had on other lives or what a difference it could have made in even just one life, no matter how slight.

Then again, what use to write such things in a blog that only a privileged few will ever read? Much rather live and speak out blessings each and every day.

Perhaps I’ll just count my blessings and to keep this short, name only those on the tip of the iceberg, one by one

I was blessed and privileged to have seen my oldest daughter as the most beautiful bride, marrying a man who truly loves her. Materially I am unable to do anything for these two, so I will just love them, pray for them and be there if ever they should need me.

My younger daughter is about to have a baby and I will be a grandmother for the very first time. The first time I behold and hold the baby will indeed be a very special moment and although I anticipate it, I will wait and savour every second when the time comes. In the meanwhile, I will make and serve my daughter’s favourite dish this week and count it a privilege to be able to do this especially for her.

To my children I say, make sure that you fight the good fight and that good will prevail over evil in the eternal inner struggle. To this end, always remember God’s very own words to Cain in Genesis 4:7:

Gen 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

A lifelong dream to visit Israel is about to be fulfilled in March. My spiritual preparation for this pilgrimage has begun and how wonderful to know that soon I will walk where the Messiah and prophets of old walked and talked.

In June this year we have a 70th birthday coming up. Thanks to God for his more than adequate provision and for giving me the ability to arrange something special for my husband. I plan to have his friends and family around for a celebration and as a special treat, I will arrange for a violinist to play for him. He does so love hearing the violin played, particularly, “Smoke gets in your eyes”.

…..and to God be the Glory!

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