Children are precious and should be nurtured by the society in which they grow up. Often the trauma experienced by a child is virtually unthinkable to an adult. This being the case, how then is a child to work through such terrible trauma and if they are not helped, what becomes of them later in life? What type of next generation will we have?
Traumas that spring to mind:
children subjected to a constant unnatural vigilance for flying rockets in areas such as Sederot, Israel. No they cannot just play and be children.
Imagine a situation in which thousands and thousands of people, many of them children and the elderly, are plunged into a reality in which they must fear for their lives day in and day out, in which their livelihoods are crippled, with their schools and even pre-schools under siege. Entire communities are trapped, paralyzed. Whole childhoods are spent in a state of post-traumatic stress.
children whose parents die of Aids related illnesses and are then taken in by an often older family member who then in turn also dies. Many children such as these, often stay in a mourning phase and live lives of uncertainty.
These examples are obviously only the tip of the iceberg. I just weep for all the fragile, tortured children in this World.
Unfortunately we cannot jump out and change the whole World but we can do something about that one thing that crosses our path.
A very worthy cause that can do with some more help whether it be in the form of volunteer time, groceries, stationery or funds:
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