Friday, January 25, 2008


Feeling the pain of rejection by my children and having come to the realization that the only time they call on you is when they need you or something you can supply; I started talking to God about it. Straight off, in fact right at the beginning in mid-sentence I realized that not only was I speaking to the Creator of the Universe, but also I was speaking to an expert in the field of rejection.

Suddenly my entire approach changed and instead of asking how I should best handle the situation, I realized that, like God, I just have to be there again and again despite the feelings of being ‘used’. My initial intent of lodging a complaint, changed to a realization that I instead should be on my knees begging for forgiveness and mercy and I ask:

‘Lord, that you remind me of this very ache the next time I neglect my communion with you in prayer and in your Word. Next time I do not include you in the joys of my life or forget to thank you.’

Much, much more than anything, I thank you Father for always being there.

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