About fifteen years ago, my daughter and a Jewish boy fell in love. They are both now in their thirties. Having been immersed in the Jewish way of life long enough to make an informed decision, my daughter decided to convert. Despite the fact and probably because I am a Christian, I supported her throughout the conversion process and also often attended Shul and Torah study with her. I love the Jewish people, study their customs, laws and rituals and will be making my very own first pilgrimage to Israel in March this year.
My daughter and her boyfriend are now to be married and the wedding invitations are out. Suddenly the worms come out of the woodwork and some very real antisemitism rears its ugly head. Talk about bursting my little bubble – seems up to now I had been living on another planet! Well, I certainly was bowled over by some of the invited guests’ reaction to having merely to wear a Yarmulke during the ceremony.
Having searched for a way to describe what I’m feeling, I can only come up with ‘shocked and outraged’. I want to weep for these deluded people who obviously do not understand the indescribable suffering, trials and tribulation Jews have already endured and the priceless contribution Jews have made to the World. They do not know or forget the very promise God made to Abram:
Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. ”
My daughter and her boyfriend are now to be married and the wedding invitations are out. Suddenly the worms come out of the woodwork and some very real antisemitism rears its ugly head. Talk about bursting my little bubble – seems up to now I had been living on another planet! Well, I certainly was bowled over by some of the invited guests’ reaction to having merely to wear a Yarmulke during the ceremony.
Having searched for a way to describe what I’m feeling, I can only come up with ‘shocked and outraged’. I want to weep for these deluded people who obviously do not understand the indescribable suffering, trials and tribulation Jews have already endured and the priceless contribution Jews have made to the World. They do not know or forget the very promise God made to Abram:
Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. ”
I am seriously chewing on this one problem. We have to try to educate people and point out the error of their ways and acknowledging what has been learnt by others in the past, I guess we will just have to change the world, one person at a time.
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